Check out our list of training dates for 2025

1. Introduction to Navigation – Sat 25th Jan 2025

A one-day introduction to finding your way by map and compass.
We will look at; Scales, map symbols, map orientation, pacing, bearings, locating yourself and relocating when it goes
Location: Laragh, Co Wicklow
Date: Saturday Jan 25th , 2025.
Training lead: Paul Nolan of 1StepMore
Start – finish time: 9am – 3pm
Places limited to 6
Cost: €55 per person.


What to expect on the day:

  • This will be a step-by-step walk-through of the basics of navigating aimed at those new to map and compass
    and/or improvers.
  • The concepts and skills of finding your way will be broken into steps, each building up to give you confidence in

Please bring along whatever maps you have and warm/ waterproof clothing suitable for walking with plenty of standing
around in the outdoors. Ideally everyone should have a copy of East West Glendalough and Lugnaquilla Map.
Purchase Map at local outdoor retailer or HERE –

2. Intermediate Navigation Training Day – Sun 2nd Feb 2025

Learn the skills required to navigate over the hills with confidence. Aimed primarily (but not exclusively) at Mountain
Runners and Adventure Racers seeking the freedom to break away from marked trails to train in new places, enter races
requiring navigation, Mountain Marathons, Adventure Races and ultimately take on such challenges as the Wicklow Round.
This will be a step-by-step walk through of the basics of navigating. The concepts and skills of finding your way will be
broken into steps, each building up to give you confidence in your skills.
Location: Laragh, Co Wicklow
Date: Sunday Feb 2nd , 2025.
Training lead: Paul Nolan of 1StepMore
Start – finish time: 9am to 3pm
Places limited to 6.
Cost: €55 per person.

Sign Up HERE

What to expect on the day.

  • Maps. How to read them, trust them, distrust them then grow to love them.
  • Route choice. How to pick the route that works best with your strengths.
  • Re-location. What to do when you expect the ground to rise but it is falling.
  • Compasses. Why they are not scary and not really that important when you love maps.
  • Contours. The most important lines you’ll ever meet when on the hills.
  • The 3 key words. You’ll have to come along to find them out.

Please bring along whatever maps you have and warm / waterproof clothing suitable for walking with plenty of standing
around in the outdoors.
Ideally everyone should have a copy of East West Glendalough and Lugnaquilla Map.
Purchase Map at local outdoor retailer or HERE –

3. Adventure Racing Training Day – Sat 15th Feb 2025

To Register Click here 

This training event is tailored to beginners with an average level of fitness.
The minimum distances will be easy to complete with some extra bits for stronger participants.
You do not need a team mate to sign up but if you have one of course get them to sign up too.
If your friend is at a different level then this can be accommodated as we will have several levels on the day.
Location: Ballinacor Community Field, Glenmalure, Co. Wicklow. Map Grid Reference 121 897.

Date: Saturday Feb 15th , 2025.
Training lead: Paul Mahon.
Start – finish time: 9.30am – 3.00pm approx.
Places limited to 30.
Cost: €55 per person.

What to expect on the day:

This is an Introduction to a Team Adventure Racing course and is truly tailored to beginners with no team adventure racing
experience. If you have completed a Sport standard Solo adventure race then this course is suitable for you. All you need
are runners and a road bike & helmet & suitable clothing depending on the day.
Provisional Schedule of the day will be as follows:
9.30am – Participants arrive and get ready their bikes/ food / bottles and assemble at Event HQ by 10am.
Those ready earlier will get access to the master maps inside so they can mark up their own maps.
10.00am – Experienced Adventure Racers will take the course participants through the plan / course for the day. They will
advise on all aspects of what you ideally should prepare and plan for the day and will of course answer any questions you
might have.
All will be provided with access to a master copy of a map of the route which will have a basic bike route (somewhat like
Quest Glendalough Sport course) and 2 run sections each of which will have some optional sections for faster people.

11.00am – Depart Event HQ – This Is Not A Race!
We will have some experienced racers who will accompany the participants in groups and give ongoing advice on bike and
foot sections, assist with navigation queries as needed, etc. so no one is likely to get lost.

1.45 – 2.00pm  Participants return to HQ.

2.00 – 3.00pm  Debrief with all participants over a cuppa and snacks.
General: Route will be a minimum distance of 20km on bike (any bike allowed) and 6km run / trek. The maximum distance on this
course will be 20km bike and 14km run. Simple navigation for this course with a max time allowed of 3 hours.
Tea /coffee/biscuits & cake at finish.
Each individual MUST have a copy of East West Glendalough and Lugnaquilla Map.
The area relevant to this training is within these Grid References:
Purchase Map at local outdoor retailer or HERE –
Only paper map & compass should be used for navigation.
You Are Not Permitted To Use Phone, Watch or similar GPS Type Device for navigation purposes in this training event.
Minimum Mandatory Kit:

  • Trail running shoes are strongly recommended.
  • Quality Waterproof Jacket and Overpants.
  • Space blanket – 1 per person.
  • First Aid Kit includes antiseptic wipes, plasters, triangular and Crepe bandage with fasteners.
  • Whistle.
  • Bike Map Holder RECOMMENDED only.
  • Mobile Phone in a waterproof
  • Bike Helmet, spare tube, pump & tyre levers, bike lights mounted on the front and back of the bike – Flashing
    lights to be on at all times when on the bike.

Control locations (In Grid Reference form) / Route Details will be emailed to participating teams on Thursday 13 th .
See how to plot Grid Reference control locations onto a map HERE
Master map will be available for reference only once participants arrive and have their bikes and kit ready between 9.30
and 10am on morning of the event.
Please bring your own “keep cup” to minimise waste throughout the day.
Parking and showers available at Race HQ – Ballinacor Community Field in Glenmalure.
After race “rehydration” (Optional / Bonus) at Glenmalure Lodge from 4pm ’til late :-)
NOTE: To enter this event, you need to have current 2025 membership of ARI – JOIN ARI HERE

4. Training day focusing on 1 Day/Multi day Adventure Racing – Sat 22nd March 2025

Training day designed to support those considering taking part in a 1 day or multi day adventure race in 2025. E.g. Beast AR
(May 23rd ), ITERA Scotland (August 8th – 15th ).
Location: Blessington area, Co. Wicklow. Exact location will be communicated week commencing March 17th .
Date: Saturday March 22nd , 2025.
Training leads: Chris Caulfield & Brian Keogh.
Start – finish time: 2pm – 8pm.
Places limited to 20.

What to expect on the day:
1. Q & A session (1.5 hour)

  • Prerace preparation insights.
  • Route planning insights.
  • Day and night-time navigation.
  • Nutrition.
  • Equipment.
  • General Q&A.
  • Cost: €55 per person.
  • 2. Training session (6 hours)


2. Training session (6 hours)

  • Kayaking (race tips and technique) – 2 hours on Blessington Lake.
  • Mountain biking (cross country training session including basic technical riding) – 2 hours.
  • Hill navigation (will include at least 1 hour of night navigation on open mountain) – 2 hours.
    What to bring on the day:

What to bring on the day:

  •  Suitable clothing – trekking gear / mountain biking equipment / kayak gear / change of clothes.
  • Food – training food and lunch.

NOTE: to participate in this event, you need to have current 2025 membership of ARI – JOIN ARI HERE