Voluntary Association for Adventure Racing on the island of Ireland
Dated: 14th August 2020
1. Title
- The organisation shall be called Adventure Racing Ireland, and shall be referred to as ARI in this document.
2. Vision
- ARI will build the sport of adventure racing in Ireland such that it is inclusive and accessible to all. It will thrive at every level, from vibrant youth participation to elite athletes consistently competing and achieving podium finishes in premier international events. ARI will contribute to the development of the sport internationally and will ensure events of the highest quality, including world championships, are hosted in Ireland on a regular basis.
3. Mission and Objectives
- Mission of ARI:
- ARI will develop the sport of Adventure Racing in Ireland through the operation of a membership-based organisation, which coordinates and supports adventure racing activities for participants and event organisers.
- Objectives of ARI:
- Develop and operate a membership-based organisation to lead and manage the sport of adventure racing
- Develop and implement best practice for the sport of adventure racing
- Develop partnerships and collaborations to support the development of adventure racing
- Develop and facilitate the provision of suitable insurances for members and affiliated events and activities
- Develop coaching and training opportunities for participants within the sport
- Support event organisers with their event logistics, standards, land access, recognition by relevant bodies and any way necessary to progress the continued development of the sport
- Support the development of adventure racing clubs and teams
- Promote the sport of adventure racing in Ireland
- Promote environmental good practice within the sport of adventure racing
- Use the sport to responsibly promote Ireland as a unique adventure tourist destination
4. Definition of Terms
- The following definitions and interpretations apply to the Constitution:
- The word “shall” will be treated as a command in the Constitution.
- The term “ARI” means Adventure Racing Ireland.
- Any reference to Ireland in the Constitution shall mean the island of Ireland, unless otherwise stated.
- Adventure Racing may take many forms and is interpreted differently across Ireland and internationally. Team Adventure Racing (TAR) and Solo Adventure Racing (SAR) are the predominant forms practiced in Ireland.
- The term “Adventure Racing” refers to a sport typically consisting of the combination of several constituent core sports such as trekking/running, biking and kayaking. It can also include several other sports such as swimming, rope-work, climbing, navigation, orienteering, sailing, rafting, in-line skating, horse-riding, etc.
- Adventure racing in Ireland can be subdivided into two general categories:
- Team Adventure Racing (TAR): Sometimes known as expedition or traditional Adventure Racing in Ireland. This style is as defined by the ARWS (Adventure Racing World Series) and ARES (Adventure Racing European Series). Participation is generally (but not exclusively) defined by:
- Team (Typically consisting of 2, 3 or 4 members)
- Unmarked courses with navigation between predefined check-points
- Use of off-road trails and mountainous terrain for both foot and bike sections
- Solo Adventure Racing (SAR): Participation is generally (but not exclusively) defined by:
- Individual entries or Relay teams
- Marked courses with no navigation
- Terrain suitable for use of road, hybrid or off-road bikes
- The term “ARWS” means the Adventure Racing World Series
- The term “ARES” means the Adventure Racing European Series
- An “Adventure Racing Club” is an association of persons united in their interest in Adventure Racing and their participation in Adventure Racing activities (although not necessarily exclusively so) which has been accepted as a valid Adventure Racing Club by ARI. For the purpose of this definition, the activities of an Adventure Racing Club shall include the practice of Adventure Racing activities, the organisation and promotion of Adventure Racing competitions and training and the proper administration of the club.
- The terms “AGM” and “EGM” mean “Annual General Meeting” and “Extraordinary General Meeting” respectively.
- The term ‘written communication’ means a communication in writing, delivered directly to the intended recipient(s), by post or electronically via email.
5. Membership
- Membership starts from the date the registration application has been accepted. All memberships end on the 31st
- Full membership of ARI is open to persons aged 18 years or over whose registration application has been accepted by the Executive
- Membership of ARI is open to all regardless of their age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexuality or social/economic status.
6. Responsibility
- ARI shall be responsible for:
- Coordination of adventure racing events (both SAR and TAR) in Ireland, taking into account international events in which Irish athletes traditionally partake.
- Coordination of Championship events in Ireland in cooperation with ARES or other relevant international organisations.
- Development, publication and administration of guidelines, good practice recommendations and regulations for events sanctioned by ARI
- Development and administration of suitable and appropriate insurance policy(s) for organisation, activities, third parties and members
- Representation of Ireland in the International events where appropriate
- Development and administration of fair and transparent means of selection of funded teams to represent Ireland at International Adventure Racing
- Promotion of the sport of Adventure Racing
- Compliance with any directives and standards of International Adventure Racing organisations to which ARI becomes affiliated.
- Compliance with statutory regulations and obligations relating to National Governing Sports Bodies.
- Liaison with Sport Ireland, Sport Northern Ireland and other State Agencies and relevant organisations.
- Liaison with other organisations on issues related to national and international Adventure Racing.
- Development, publication and administration of byelaws as necessary for the proper running of the affairs of ARI.
- Development of the sport so that anyone, regardless of ability or social background can participate.
- Preservation of the environment in which Adventure Racing takes place, and promoting a leave no trace philosophy.
- Working with Sport Ireland in the implementation of guidelines, codes of practice, standards of good conduct, fair play in the elimination of doping in sport. As well as planning, implementing and evaluating education and information programmes as may be offered from time to time.
- Development and maintenance of a spirit of cooperation with the ARES, ARWS and/or other relevant organisations.
- Any other duties or responsibilities which may be agreed at an AGM or EGM or as set out in this Constitution.
- Every member of ARI must show respect and understanding for the rights, safety and welfare of others, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of ARI.
7. Finance
- The Financial year of ARI shall run from 1st November to 31st October each
- The accounts of ARI shall be balanced by the treasurer on the 31st October each year. They will be sent to a 3rd party for independent audit before being formally approved by the Executive Committee, and members at the
- A bank account will be operated whereby bank transfers/payments need to be authorised by any two of the designated officers of the Executive
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to revise annual membership
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to agree appropriate levies on entry fees or on an overall event basis for ARI affiliated adventure racing events with event organisers.
- It shall also have the power to raise levies from Adventure Racing clubs in some other fashion as agreed by the executive committee.
8. Organisation of Adventure Racing Events
- Events shall be organised in full compliance with ARI’s event guidelines and registration procedures.
- Events may be organised commercially, on a not-for-profit basis or for charity. The nature of the event (commercial, not-for-profit or charity) shall be declared to the Executive Committee of ARI.
- Events which are affiliated with ARI shall be declared to ARI Events Coordinator prior to the 31st January each year. Amendments will be approved by the Executive Committee.
- ARI will aim to support the hosting of European AR Series events in Ireland in collaboration with event/ series organisers, subject to board and member agreement.
9. Participation in International Events
- ARI may select and fund individuals and teams to compete in international events representing Ireland. The decision to send a team to any event will rest with the Executive Committee. The teams will be picked by the Selection Sub-Committee. The decision to hold a trial race will rest with the Executive
10. Executive Committee
- The affairs of ARI shall be managed by an Executive
The Executive Committee of ARI shall consist of the following Executive Officers:
- Chairperson
- Vice-Chairperson
- General Secretary
- Treasurer
- Team Adventure Race Officer (TAR Officer)
- Solo Adventure Race Officer (SAR Officer)
- Events Coordinator and Development Officer
- Communications and Public Relations Officer
- Environment and Access Officer
- Ordinary Member 1
- Ordinary Member 2
- The Executive Committee shall appoint the following non-executive positions as required :
- National Designated Liaison (Child-Protection)
- Data-Protection Liaison
- Anti-Doping Officer
- Youth Officer
- Fundraising Officer
- Members of the Executive Committee shall retire at each AGM. Members may stand for re-election. The Chairperson shall not serve for more than three years cumulatively in any five-year period. After their 3 year term as Chairperson, the member is not eligible for re-election to the management (of executive) committee until 2 further years have passed.
- If any particular Executive Officer position remains vacant after an AGM, or if any position becomes vacant between AGMs, the vacancy may be filled by co-option by the elected Executive Officers.
- Every Executive Officer shall hold membership of ARI.
- The Vice-Chairperson may concurrently be elected, or co-opted, to another Executive Officer position, with the exception of Chairperson, General Secretary or Treasurer. The Vice-Chairperson may carry out any duties assigned by the Constitution to the Chairperson in the event that the Chairperson is unable to carry out said duties.
- Professional indemnity insurance shall be in place for all members participating on the Executive Committee, representing or contributing to the work of
- The Executive Committee as a whole, or individual Executive Officers as appropriate, shall have the power to delegate specific responsibilities to sub-committees or to individuals, who need not be members of the Executive Committee. The members of sub-committees, or individuals, to which the responsibilities have been delegated shall not have voting rights on the Executive Committee unless they are Executive Officers but may attend Executive Committee meetings at the invitation of the Executive Committee. Where responsibilities are so delegated, periodic reports shall be made to the Executive
- All Officers shall abide by and uphold ARI’s Code of Ethics
11. Executive Committee – Meetings
- Executive Committee meetings shall, as far as is practicable, be held either at venues convenient to its members or by teleconference.
- The quorum of Executive Committee meetings shall be a minimum of 50% of the number of Executive Committee members.
- The Chairperson shall, in consultation with the other Executive Officers, call meetings of the Executive Committee as and when appropriate or, if they receive a written communication requesting a meeting signed by at least four Executive Officers, within seven days of receipt of such a petition.
- The Chairperson shall, by way of written communication, ordinarily give at least seven days’ notice of an Executive Committee meeting and invite the other Executive officers to submit items for the agenda. If all Executive Officers are in agreement, an Executive Committee meeting may be convened at shorter
- The Chairperson shall circulate the agreed agenda at least 24 hours in advance of an Executive Committee meeting.
- Executive Committee meetings shall be chaired by the Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chairperson, by the first Executive Officer, in the order listed in paragraph 10.2, present at the commencement of the meeting.
- The General Secretary or other appropriate person shall at all Executive Committee Meetings maintain a record of the business of the meeting and the names of those taking part. This shall be circulated to the executive committee prior to the next meeting for review, at where it will be formally adopted.
- Decisions taken at Executive Committee meetings should, as far as is possible, be by consensus. If consensus is not possible, a vote is taken of all Executive Officers taking part. If the vote is tied, the Executive Officer chairing the meeting shall have a casting vote.
- In the periods between Executive Committee meetings, the Executive Committee may, by suitable means, communicate as a group to discuss matters and make decisions. In the event of any decision being so taken, the Chairperson shall ensure that every Executive Officer is fully briefed on the matter at hand and has had adequate time to respond. Decisions taken by the Executive Committee in the periods between Executive Committee meetings shall be formalised at the next Executive Committee meeting. Executive Committee meetings may take place in person or via suitable electronic methods.
12. Annual General Meetings & Extraordinary General Meetings
- The Company shall in each year hold a general meeting as its AGM in addition to any other meeting in that year, and shall specify the meeting as such in the notices calling it. In the event an AGM cannot take place in any year due to exceptional circumstances, not more than 15 months shall elapse between the date of one AGM of the Company and that of the next.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Executive Committee on receipt of a request in writing from at least fifteen members, or may be called by the Executive Committee on its own motion. The meeting shall be held within 60 days of receiving a valid request or the passing of a motion. The AGM may be in person, virtually or a combination of both as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
- The quorum for General Meetings shall be fifteen persons having a right to
- All members of ARI shall have a right to vote at General Meeting
- Executive Officer elections, where required, shall be by secret ballot using a single non-transferable vote. In the event of a tie the Chairperson or Executive officer chairing the meeting shall have the casting vote
- Motions, including amendments to the Constitution, must be received by the General Secretary at least 14 days before the date of the AGM. The names of the proposer and seconder of a motion must be submitted with the motion, and one of these must be present to speak on the motion at the Motions may only be proposed and seconded by members who will have full voting rights at the AGM or EGM. Amendments to motions can be taken in accordance with the Standing Orders agreed at the AGM or EGM.
- Motions passed at an AGM or EGM come into effect at the end of that EGM or AGM.
- The Agenda of AGMs and the wording of motions shall be made available to members via the website at least seven days before the
- The Agenda shall contain the following items of business as well as any other matters deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee:
- Apologies & conflicts of interest;
- Adoption of ARI Standing Orders
- Minutes of the previous AGM and matters arising;
- Chairperson’s report;
- General Secretary’s report;
- Team Adventure Race (TAR) report;
- Solo Adventure Race ( SAR) report;
- Accounts and Treasurer’s report;
- Events Coordination Report
- Environmental & Access Report
- Motions;
- Appointment of Executive Committee and Honorary Auditor; and
- Any Other Business
13. Notices
- At least 30 days’ notice shall be given to all ARI Members of the date of an Annual General Meeting. An announcement in the printed or electronic media of ARI shall be deemed to be such notice.
- At least 30 days’ notice shall be given to all ARI Members of the date of an Extraordinary General Meeting. This announcement shall be made in a separate statement to other matters, in the printed or electronic media of
- Amendments to the Constitution and proposals which it is desired to put before a General Meeting shall be received in writing by the General Secretary at least 14 days before the date of the meeting.
- The Financial Statement shall be sent to all ARI Members at least 7 days before an Annual General Meeting.
14. Amendments to The Constitution
- Amendments to the Constitution shall require the approval of a simple majority of those members present at the AGM.
15. Dispute Resolution Process
- All disputes shall be sent in writing to the Chairperson of ARI and shall be signed by any two members of ARI other than the subject of the dispute. Disputes arising from the Rules of Adventure Racing shall be sent within fourteen days of the disputed Adventure Racing event.
- If the Chairperson decides that the matter is covered by the Rules of Adventure Racing it shall be referred to ARI Events Technical Sub-Committee which will comprising of the following:
- Events Coordinator
- TAR Officer
- SAR Officer
- In all other cases, the Chairperson shall convene the ARI Executive Committee.
- Members of either committee who have any conflict of interest in the dispute or with the parties involved in the dispute must excuse themselves from the discussion and any subsequent votes or decision relating to the dispute, and if appropriate the Chairperson may appoint an alternative to adjudicate on this matter.
- All decisions issued by the Technical Sub-Committee may be appealed to the Executive Committee within fourteen days from receipt of such
16. Disciplinary Process
- Should the conduct of a member or club in any category of membership either in ARI or elsewhere be deemed to be injurious to the good name, character or interest of ARI, the Executive Committee shall, having first made known in writing the nature of the allegations and the evidence to support the allegations to the offending member or club, call upon such member or club to give an explanation in writing within seven days for any such conduct. If any such member or club, having been called upon, fails to give such an explanation or if the explanation so given shall be deemed to be unsatisfactory, the Executive Committee may suspend such member or club for a definite stated period from ARI or request such a member or club to resign. On resignation the unexpired portion of their annual affiliation fees and any event registration fees for events that have not yet taken place shall be refunded. Should the member or club fail to resign that member or club shall be suspended indefinitely. In that event the member or club will not be entitled to a refund of the unexpired portion of their annual affiliation fees. A suspended member or club should not participate in any Adventure Racing related activity organised or sanctioned by ARI or its members.
- Members of the Executive Committee who have any conflict of interest in the disciplinary process or with the parties involved in the disciplinary process must excuse themselves from the discussion and any subsequent votes or decision relating to the disciplinary
17. Appeals Process
- All disputes arising out of or in connection with the Dispute Resolution Process or the Disciplinary Process shall be referred to Just Sport Ireland for resolution by mediation in accordance with the Just Sport Ireland Mediation Rules. If the dispute remains unresolved at the conclusion of the mediation process, the dispute shall be referred to Just Sport Ireland or final and binding arbitration in accordance with the Just Sport Ireland Arbitration Rules.
18. Income and Property
In the event of ARI being dissolved, the income and property of ARI shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the main object(s) as set forth in this Constitution. No portion of the ARI’s income and property shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise however by way of profit to members of the ARI. No officer shall be appointed to any office of the ARI paid by salary or fees, or receive any remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth from the ARI. However, nothing shall prevent any payment in good faith by ARI of:
- reasonable and proper remuneration to any member or servant of ARI (not being an officer) for any services rendered to ARI.
- interest at a rate not exceeding 1% above the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (Euribor) per annum on money lent by an officer or other members of ARI.
- reasonable and proper rent for premises demised and let by any member of ARI.
- reasonable and proper out-of-pocket expenses incurred by any officer in connection with their attendance to any matter affecting fees, remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth to any Company of which an officer may be a member holding not more than one hundredth part of the issued capital of such Company;
19. Winding Up
If upon the winding up or dissolution of ARI there remains, after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, it shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of ARI. Instead, such property shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having main objects similar to the main objects of ARI. The institution or institutions to which the property is to be given or transferred shall prohibit the distribution of their income and property among their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on ARI under or by virtue of the Income and Property clause hereof. Members of ARI shall select the relevant institution or institutions at or before the time of dissolution, and if and so far as effect cannot be given to such provisions, then the property shall be given or transferred to some charitable object. Final accounts will be prepared and submitted that will include a section that identifies and values any assets transferred along with the details of the recipients and the terms of the transfer.
20. Additions, alterations or amendments
No addition, alteration or amendment shall be made to the provisions of the main object clause, the income and property clause, the winding up clause, the keeping of accounts clause or this clause of the Constitution for the time being in force unless the same shall have been previously approved in writing by the Revenue Commissioners.
21. Keeping of Accounts
Annual audited accounts shall be kept and made available to the Revenue Commissioners on request.