Adventure Racing Ireland National Solo Adventure Race Series 2025.
The Solo Adventure Race series includes running, cycling and kayaking in some of Ireland’s most challenging and picturesque terrain.
Athletes in both the Expert and Sport Series gain points from achieving a top 50 placing in gender categories in all Series events with their best 5 scores to count towards their final Series total.
You have to be an ARI member on the morning of the event to gain points towards the National Solo series so sign up for ARI membership today!!
The top 3 placed athletes in both the women’s and men’s expert and sport series will receive commemorative *prizes later in the year.

2025 National Solo Adventure Race Series Events – Best 5 Results to count
2025 National Solo AR Series -Expert Events
2025 National Solo AR Series – Sport Events
2024 Series – Final Tables Below
Final 2024 National Solo AR Series Tables are available above

2023 Sport Series Top 3 Men

2023 Sport Series Top 3 Women

2023 Expert Series Top 3 Men

2023 Expert Series Top 3 Women
History of the National Adventure Race Series
The National Adventure Race series was setup in 2010 with 5 events and included all the major Adventure Races that were happening in Ireland at that time. There was one section only that year the first series winners were Derval Devaney and Niall Somers
The following year 2011 was the first time there was separate ‘Sport’ and ‘Expert’ Categories and there were 10 events with best 5 events/results to count
Role of Honour – Series Winners 2010 – 2024
Expert Women | Expert Men | Sport Women | Sport Men | |
2024 | Ellen Vitting | Declan Ferry | Caroline Mcloughlin | Paul O Brien |
2023 | Laura O’Driscoll | Sebastian Giraud | Rhianna Heneghan | David Hickey |
2022 | Laura O’Driscoll | Shaun Stewart | Niamh Cleary | Bernard Smyth |
2021 | Ellen Vitting | Sebastian Giraud | Niamh Cleary | John Mullin |
2019 | Laura O’Driscoll | Shane Scully | Lisa Clerkin | Philip Smith |
2018 | Laura O’Driscoll | Shaun Stewart | Regina Sheehan | Niall Smith |
2017 | Moire O’Sullivan | Killian Heery | Lorraine Carey | John Paul O’Connell |
2016 | Moire O’Sullivan | Dessie Duffy | Lorraine Carey | Kieran Cosgrove |
2015 | Lorraine Horan | Dessie Duffy | Lorraine Carey | Kieran Cosgrove |
2014 | Moire O’Sullivan | Dessie Duffy | Mary Daly | Jerry O’Sullivan |
2013 | Marie Boyle | Chris Caulfield | Ericka Murray | Martin Nee |
2012 | Marie Boyle | Tim O’Donaghue | Collette Sweeney | Jerry O’Sullivan |
2011 | Emma Donlon | Padraig Marrey | Marie Boyle | Noel Brady |
2010 | Derval Devaney | Niall Somers |
General Rules and Guidelines
General Rules
Solo Adventure Race 2025 National Series Events
1. You must be an Adventure Racing Ireland Member to participate in the NARS. If not, your points will not
be calculated.
2. Points will be awarded based on the FINAL published results from each race:
3. These are the official final results as provided by the race director and official race timing partner.
NARS does not have any input in to these and tables will not be published until final official results are available.
Note that official final results may not be the same as position crossing the finish line. Wave starts will be factored in to final official results and points awarded will reflect the final results list.
Separate points will be awarded for first 50 finishers in both women’s and men’s category in each race.
50 points for 1st place, 49 points for 2nd place, 48 for 3rd place etc…
3. You do not need to be a member of any club except for ARI to be eligible for NARS or to be awarded points.
4. If you finish in the top 50 (of your gender) in any qualifying race (see race list) then you will be automatically added to the NARS points table.
5. The only information on any racer NARS has any access to or uses is the data available from the race results which is publicly available on the race website.
6. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 Women and Men in both the Expert and Sport category with the racer in first place in each category being names ‘National Adventure Race Series Champion’.
7. In the event of a tie for first place and overall National Series Champion the following tie breaks will be initiated and they will be initiated in the following order:
Racers tied for 1st place – whoever has completed the most race ‘wins’.
Whoever has the most points in head-to-head events.
Of the racers tied for 1st place – Lowest cumulative head-to-head time.
Example: the tied racers competed head to head in 2 events. Their overall time for the 2 events is added up and the lowest cumulative time determines the winner.
In the event that racers are still tied for 1st place there will be joint 1st place.
In the event of a tie for 2nd and 3rd place the same process will be followed as above.
8. There will be no criteria or resolution applied to any ties outside of top 3 in each category.
9. Points Tables
Tables will be published after the Final Official results are available from each event.
Tables will be published on the adventureracing.ie website.
Race Kit & General Rules
Solo Adventure Race 2025 National Series Events
The following is Adventure Racing Ireland’s recommendations for all Solo Adventure Races in the 2025 National Series.
It is hoped that all race organisers will embrace these rules and indeed the spirit of them as they are intended to aid race
organisers and participants alike and lead to uniform standards across all races.
This should ease the burden on Race Directors to make on the day decisions and lead to a safer and better race experience
for all with uniform expectation on competitors and hopefully “no argument” for any transgressions of these safety led
recommendations & rules
Pre, during and post event kit checks are recommended to ensure compliance to these rules
Mandatory Kit
1. All stages: full sleeved waterproof jacket to be carried /or worn on all stages of the race
2. All stages: foil safety blanket or survival bag to be carried on all stages of race
3. Working front & back lights on all bike sections
4. All stages: Any other item of kit, as stipulated by Race Directors as mandatory, to be carried e.g. hat/buff, gloves,
full leg cover, waterproof leggings, high viz, etc
5. Bike stages: Approved/ certified bike helmet to be worn with strap closed for entire duration of bike stages
6. Kayak stages: Approved buoyancy aid to be worn for entire duration of kayak stages
● Minimum 10 minute penalty for non-compliance with any of 1, 2, 3 or 4 above on any stage – Further penalty at
Race Director’s Discretion
● Where none of the specified mandatory kit items are carried at any stage of the race then the person involved
should be disqualified
● Non-compliance to 5 or 6 results in disqualification
7. No TT bikes or bikes fitted with any type of Tri Bars/ Extension bars are permitted
Penalty: disqualification
Kayak Stages Recommendation
8. It is recommended that a pre-specified number of the leading competitors arriving at the kayak stage be obliged to use
single kayaks, providing there are single kayaks or a timeout available.
We acknowledge that this recommendation is up to the discretion of the Race Directors and subject to local conditions,
equipment available, etc but a system to avoid leaders teaming up in kayak stage is highly recommended
Participants carry a charged Mobile Phone in waterproof bag with the Race’s Emergency No stored
Organisers are recommended to have Race Emergency No on back of race number & Participant’s Medical Details –
Participants to complete their details and their personal emergency contact details prior to race start
Note: No unauthorised use of another participant’s race number permitted – Immediate Disqualification
Note: No support crews permitted on course for any participant.
No pre-race or post completions of stage drop off of any race kit (e.g. Shoes), food, drink, etc on race route or at transitions
by participant or others -& Disqualification
Note: No unauthorised use of aided travel by bike or kayak unless expressly authorised in advance by the Race Director
For Example – Using an E Bike, Paddle type kayak, etc.